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Scholarship Information

The Timken Alumni Association is currently accepting applications for scholarship grants for individuals for 2023.  The applications for 2023 are below.  There are two different scholarships to which individuals can apply.

  • Current seniors at other high schools who are descendants of a Timken graduate (son, daughter, grandchild) who are seeking to further their education in an accredited college or university, community college, technical school, or vocational training program that results in either the granting of a degree or a certificate (a credential awarded by a post-secondary institution for completion of occupationally oriented courses typically lasting a year or less).
  • Post-secondary students who are former graduates of Timken or descendants of a Timken graduate (son, daughter, grandchild) who are seeking to further their education in an accredited college or university, community college, technical school, or vocational training program that results in either the granting of a degree or a certificate (a credential awarded by a post-secondary institution for completion of occupationally oriented courses typically lasting a year or less).

Below are the guidelines and forms required for application.

Guidelines for scholarships

Application for current seniors

Application for post-secondary

Character Reference Questionnaire